Along with the everyday network connection, despite the best Internet security, private becomes public. What is a bigger threat, the hackers or user indiscretion? Discussion on these topics will be held by Trevor Paglen, an American artist and photographer, Ondřej Vlček, Avast CTO; Denisa Kera, a philosopher and designer; and Václav Jánoščík, a philosopher and theorist of art and society in the age of the Internet.
Panel Discussion III
Taking place
Opening of Fotograf Festival #12 No One Belongs Here More Than You
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Opening of the exhibition Extremely Normal
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Extremely Normal
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Practices of Belonging
Dukelských Hrdinů 500/25a, Prague 7
Artist talk: Mykola Ridnyi
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1