For Fotograf Festival #12: No one belongs here more than you, Ulf Aminde has developed a series of images based on pictures of activist interventions found on the internet. The pictures document the markings of fashion shops that offer clothes with typical right-wing symbols and labels. The activist markings scandalize the presence of the far-right symbolism in the public space. Splashes of colour meant as a visual attack at the messages encoded in the symbols and brands appealing to neo-Nazi supporters have two kinds of effect: they partially cover the advertising while at the same time attracting attention toward it. Ulf Aminde’s enlarged photos resulting from the “murals” question the relationship between activist politics and aesthetics.

Taking place
Opening of Fotograf Festival #12 No One Belongs Here More Than You
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Opening of the exhibition Extremely Normal
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Extremely Normal
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Practices of Belonging
Dukelských Hrdinů 500/25a, Prague 7
Artist talk: Mykola Ridnyi
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1