In his video Free Man / Restricted Man, Leevi Toija, a photography student at Prague’s FAMU, presents a modern nomadic perspective on experiences with a space that can be described as neither urban nor landscape. Supermodern road corridors, travel paths that once allowed for extraordinarily romanticised freedom, are now restricted by time limits and mandatory breaks. Marc Augé’s anthropological dialectic of the non-place is thus reflected in the experience of the driver sitting in the cabin of a truck. Toija’s work invites us to understand the unknown and explore a way of life that seems distant to most of us. “I’ve been to so many different places. Almost too many. I can’t even remember all the places I’ve been to. I remember this one time – I was about to start a tour.”
Free Man / Restricted Man
Taking place
Opening of Fotograf Festival #12 No One Belongs Here More Than You
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Opening of the exhibition Extremely Normal
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Extremely Normal
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1
Practices of Belonging
Dukelských Hrdinů 500/25a, Prague 7
Artist talk: Mykola Ridnyi
Jungmannova 7, Prague 1